"I feel that it is a mistake to use Pascal for anything much beyond its original target. In its pure form, Pascal is a toy language, suitable for teaching but not for real programming."
Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/bwk-on-pascal.html
"Comparing C and Pascal is rather like comparing a Learjet to a Piper Cub - one is meant for getting something done while the other is meant for learning - so such comparisons tend to be somewhat farfetched."
Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/bwk-on-pascal.html
この辺りの考え方の差が顕著に表れるのが HTML とかでの文書設計で、プログラマ寄り(未定義)の人は「セマンティックに作って機械可読にできるべきだ」と考えて、 UI デザイン寄り(未定義)の人は「人間が読める、綺麗に見えることが大事(し、対象読者は人間なので機械可読性なんてどうでもいい)」みたいな感じになるのだと思う