So who is Tiki Bunny Imports and what do they do?
We're a full-service boutique JDM importer specializing in kei-class vehicles. From the AZ-1 to the Honda Z, we do it all and hunt your JDM unicorns. Need a kei truck or a Skyline? Want something to rule Radwood or just have the most unique daily on the block? We're here to make your JDM dreams come true!
Here's a quick taste of some of the delightful stuff we offer!
I'm tired of heavy EVs - Mazda Miata MX-5 - YouTube LTTのひともMX-5買っとる……
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カピバラ 1.8T GDi
[リンキン・パーク、新メンバー迎え電撃再始動 7年ぶり新曲&ツアー発表 11月に新アルバムも | ORICON NEWS]( )