
用の で動かして に見せかけるアプリだけど、ほぼすべてWindows上で動かしてCannaの変換サーバでございと見せかけるアプリはないんだろうか?

生煮え さんがブースト

ヒグマに襲われ死亡したハンターの「顔面」は原形をとどめない…なぜ顔を狙うのか?(4/4) - 登山 - Number Web - ナンバー


生煮え さんがブースト


生煮え さんがブースト

Hey everyone,

We have seen a deluge of posts (on Reddit etc.) about x86 emulation on Asahi Linux in the past few weeks. While it is of course OK to be excited about recent developments, we want to remind everyone of a few things:

This stuff is bleeding edge. ABIs are changing all the time. Things may break with any random package upgrade. There is a reason we are not shipping this for end users yet. You are entirely on your own if you choose to try it.
The state of things today should in no way be taken to be representative of what x86 gaming on Asahi Linux can achieve. Put another way: It's okay to be excited about the things that do work, but the bugs, limitations, and brokenness you might experience are not where we expect to be.
In particular, if you experience issues or bugs, chances are that as a user you have absolutely no idea what the root cause is or how easy it is to fix. We've been through issues as dumb as "all GPU memory is leaked forever" and "microVMs only have a hardcoded 4GB of RAM", never mind the obvious "without TSO everything is slow". Obviously these issues are not acceptable, nor are they hard to fix, but if you experience the effects you might wrongly conclude that stuff is very broken in much deeper or hard to fix ways than it actually is, and therefore leave disappointed and very misled thinking it's going to take months or years to fix these dumb issues.
We don't talk about timelines for a reason. Anyone claiming "X will be here next quarter" or "X won't be here for a year" is making things up, either way. Stuff will be done when it's done. Until then, any speculation about when things will be ready from random people is pure speculation, and not based on any objective reality.

We're excited about what there is to come, and we do intend to package and make this all available to users - once it's ready. In the meantime, our recommendation is always to wait until then. You are free to experiment of course, but please be mindful that you don't imply anyone or everyone should try this, and avoid writing "easy-to-follow" guides or scripts that present themselves as being suitable for end users. We don't want news coverage to happen before things are ready, as that will only hurt the project. If you are a journalist watching the progress, we would appreciate it if you wait until things are officially released before publishing any articles about this.

生煮え さんがブースト






生煮え さんがブースト



生煮え さんがブースト


昨日は鼻づまりで鼻呼吸ができずつらく、今日は鼻呼吸ができるものの鼻に違和感が残ってにおいを感じ取れずつらい (味覚も無いので腹は減ったが食欲が)

私は節度のある成人男性なので、雇用関係などの関係がない他人が自分の意図した行動をしなくとも、怒りを露わにしたりはしませんよ (そう言ってる時点で台無しじゃねえか)

生煮え さんがブースト



生煮え さんがブースト

あの異星人やムー編集長がやってくる! 「甲府UFO事件」から50年に向けて現地で記念イベント開催決定(2024.6.22)

#webmu #告知 #UFO #宇宙人 #山梨県

過去の経緯で の駅前に が残っていることを否定するわけではないが、今は何を売っているんだ

回数乗車券・往復乗車券の発売終了について | TXからのお知らせ | つくばエクスプレス(TSUKUBA EXPRESS) mir.co.jp/topics/2023/post_223

生煮え さんがブースト



思考の /dev/null