로고 로장주로 바뀌었다고 한국에 새로 들어온 수입차 회사 코스프레하네....
새로 들어온 수입차 회사 (25년 전부터 있었음)

프랑스의 맛
(에어컨 필터 탈거하려면 본넷 열고 흡기 내려야함)


@maka How much Koreans loved the brand of Renault Samsung?
Did they trust Samsung cars designed by Renault?

· · SubwayTooter · 1 · 0 · 0


@[email protected]

curretly, no.
renault doing idiot things in selling their cars.

samsung has quited almost 20 years ago.
koreans doesn't trust renault, except people who dosen't like hyundai things.

@maka Japanese also thought Renault is unreliable.

But, many people love it. Ex. Kangoo and R.S. cars are so popular in Japan.
Why Koreans don't?

And what is idiot things by Renault?


@[email protected]

first, renault doesn't sell R.S. cars in korea.
renault korea only sells boring family cars(like SM6(Talisman), QM6(Koleos), XM3(Arkana)).

second, they are uses quite weird design decisions in their cars.
like, SM6 uses torsion beam suspension in rear even SM6 is mid-size D-segment sedan, and that weird decision makes SM6's bad impression to koreans.
also, poor in convenience features and user experience compared to hyundai makes bad impression to renault.

poor repairability, crappy suspension, expensive repair cost, less powered engine than hyundai, etc... all of these problem makes renault is unreliable manufacturer in korea.

third, renault is very slow in their model change.
they did only facelifts in their cars while hyundai full-changed their models.
renault has always slower than hyundai and kia, and that makes decline in sales in their cars.


思考の /dev/null