
@Kro "【GT5】【ハックカー】話題の「GT5 Master Mod」は何ができるのか!?※リンクは概要欄から!" を YouTube で見る youtu.be/rQWUicC6rrU

Watch this video.

@[email protected] おお、それは感激です 据え置き型ゲームの改造に力を入れている人がいるとは知りませんでした。悲しいかな、GT7はオンライン専用で、それが嫌なんです。ゲーム自体も欠点が多いので、またやるかどうかもわからない。新しいForza Motorsportが良いものになるといいですね。スチームでも発売されますよ。

@Kro Does GT7 have no offline mode?
I love online racing, but I don't want to pay money for PS Plus.
Forza will be good choice for you. But I hate Forza's shitty UI 🤣


@[email protected] Oh sorry, I missed this post.


Forzaは昔からよく遊んでいました。興味本位ですが、「Forza Motorsport」のゲームをプレイしたことはありますか?私の知る限り、このシリーズはスピンオフの『Forza Horizon』(オープンワールドのアーケードレースゲーム)で判断する人が多いですね。

@Kro No problem.

I'm disappointed >GT7

I've played FM6: Apex and some FH titles. So I felt the UI of Forza series are not good. Does FM's UI become better than past?
But I think Forza series are one of the greatest racing game ever. Forza has many unique variant of cars. So I enjoyed playing.

@[email protected] Most Forza games have different UIs. I think my favorite UI was in Forza Motorsport 3 and 4. Forza Motorsport 4 is also seen as the best one. Sadly Forza 5, 6, and 7 did not have my absolute favorite tack, Fujimi Kaido.

Here, look. It's a very long track at 16 km and is basically a japanese mountain side! It was made as an homage to Initial D.


@[email protected] それと、『Forza Motorsport 3』でこのコースが復活したときに、開発者がこのトレーラーを作ったので、『頭文字D』へのオマージュであることがわかりますね。まさにドリフトのために作られたようなコースですね。


@Kro It looks very fun track for grip too! I love it.
I wish I can drive this track in PC racing simulation.

@[email protected] Oh also sorry, but they maker of the mod says it's not as pretty as the console version due to broken textures. lol

@Kro Thank you for mod url.
I've tried it, but my PC was suffering around 30~40fps. It is too heavy for my PC lol. But the track is absolutely fun!

@[email protected] It's a very large track so I'm not surprised by the poor performance.
I'm glad you had fun with it! It's my favorite track of all time.


思考の /dev/null