5億円以上の価値を持つ「マクラーレン・F1」のメンテナンスには20年前のCompaq製ノートPCが不可欠と判明 - GIGAZINE https://gigazine.net/news/20160506-mclaren-f1-need-compaq-old-pc/
>This doesn’t surprise me at all. I work at an avionics company and we support stuff that was designed 30+ years ago (if it’s still flying we’re still supporting it, even if we haven’t built it for years.) We’ve got a lab for our first CRT-based display/integrated avionics system that runs on an Apple IIe. Our IT department is running into the same issue as McLaren, too- finding spares for the odd IIe, DEC VAX, whatever these old equipment types’ software was written on.
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