#FediverseMetrics #MastodonPolls
To all #Mastodon / #Fediverse users:

On which continent are you?
Sur quel continent êtes-vous ?
Auf welchem Kontinent sind Sie?
¿En qué continente estás?
Em que continente você está?
في أي قارة أنت؟
На каком вы континенте?
In quale continente ti trovi?
Na jakim jesteś kontynencie?
आप किस महाद्वीप पर हैं?
Je! Uko bara gani?
در کدام قاره هستید؟
어느 대륙에 있습니까?
Sur kiu kontinento vi estas?


@gerald_leppert I'm at Asia region. But I'm not on any continent. 🇯🇵Japan is not continental country but is island one, like U.K. lol


Thanks for the clarification. Yes, indeed, in the question I meant "geo-political continent", which is the same which you call "region".



思考の /dev/null