- ボーナスみたいな通常とは違う給与はsupplemental wageと呼ばれる- 源泉徴収(withholding)は通常とは違うfederal supplemental tax rateが適用される (100万ドル以下は22%)- 残りの税金は別途納める。この額はトータルの収入(taxable income)によって変化する
参考にしたやつ: https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/jobs-and-career/what-is-the-federal-supplemental-tax-rate/L3GHwR4eM
If you receive any form of supplemental wages during the year, your employer may be required to withhold tax using a different method.
思考の /dev/null
参考にしたやつ: https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/jobs-and-career/what-is-the-federal-supplemental-tax-rate/L3GHwR4eM
If you receive any form of supplemental wages during the year, your employer may be required to withhold tax using a different method.